Archive for the ‘靈修’ Category
因為第一次的離世動物傳心功課極之失敗,因而需要再了解問題的所在。感覺上, 是因為我突然缺乏信心, 及常常緊張傳心的結果, 最後便成績不好。 經過今早的MEDITATION,我獲得一個很重要的訊息, 是需要保持心靜但輕鬆的狀態, 當我們能進入這個狀態,我們所選擇及決定,都會是正確的。這是一個很重要的心態,並不但一步登天。 回想之前的成功傳心個案, 都是在這個狀態而進行。我想,享受過程不問結果,是傳心的首要心態。 小動物是感受到你的所思所想,所以我們心情緊張,便影響接收他們的訊息。 所以,一切的事物, 都是由心態開始做起, 才能完善吧。 給自己加加油!!!
today, we did many things that most of them are first time to both of us. first, we joined the 7.1. 遊行 together with fat boy and dan, both of them are russ’s friends and support these kind of activities so much. I felt pretty touching to see so many people joining this time. When [...]
It is a meaningful article to show how positive thinking can help you getting a better life. I think i m the person who always get the negative thinking which does not help me much on my personal life, esp. working life. Let me try to start writing 3 positive things everyday (that’s why [...]
【美國前總統杰斐遜留給孫子的10條忠告】:1.今天能做的事絕不拖到明天2.自己能做的事絕不麻煩別人3.決不花未到手的錢4.決不貪便宜購買不需要的東西5.驕傲比飢餓和寒冷更有害6.不要貪食7.只有心甘情願才能把事做好8.對於不可能發生的事不要庸人自擾9.凡事講究方式方法10.當你氣憤時,要數到十再說話! I think all of them esp. 7, 8, 9 & 10. It is really good indeed. Source fr
We should love our job and then also love our team members ! that’s a common theory but i couldn’t find the people around me working in this way. No matter what, i m heading to this way in my life……..
u said